Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Keep Your Pet Safe from the Ghosts and Goblins this Halloween

We don’t want any “scaredy cats” this Halloween. The following are great tips to ensure your dog and cat are safe from all the witches, zombies and...candy!

There are few things better than seeing a pet dressed up in costume. We all love it, but your pet may not. If you do choose to dress Fido up this Halloween, make sure he is entirely comfortable in his getup. It’s important that the costume not hinder your pet’s movement, hearing, breathing, and barking/meowing. Your pet might be terrified from all the masked kids coming up to them, so the less stress the better.

Keep a close eye on your pet. We hate to think about this but Halloween is a time when animal cruelty is high, especially for black cats, due to superstitions and pranks. Let your pets indoors while trick-or-treaters are making their rounds. All cats should be kept indoors several days before and after Halloween. Please call 911 if you suspect animal cruelty.

Pets should not be given any tricks-or-treats. We all know this: chocolate can be deadly for our furry friends, especially dark or baking chocolate. Xylitol, a sweetener common in gum, can also pose dangers for dogs and cats. Of course your pet can partake in the festivities and have some doggy treats of their own, but be sure that they aren't getting ahold of any candies. For a list of foods that can be toxic for pets, read "Should I Feed My Cat Milk?". 

Always, always, always make sure your dog or cat has their collar with 
up-t0-date ID tags, even if they have a costume on.

If you’re going to be passing out candy, it’s best that you keep your pet confined to a quiet part of the house. This will prevent a terrified cat from darting out the door as well as a scared dog from possibly biting out of fear. Plus, trick-or-treaters may think it’s funny to scare your dog and cause him stress. If you decide to go out trick-or-treating, leave your dog indoors at home where you know she will be safe.

Decorations can also be a hazard. If you have a jack-o-lantern, keep it as far out of your pet’s reach as possible. Curious dogs and cats can easily knock over lit candles. Use caution with electrical wires and cords that cause burns or shock if chewed.

We hope you have a safe and frightfully delightful night!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Feral Cats

Everyone loves cuddly kittens and household felines that lounge around on the sofa, but what about those cute cats that run free in the wild? Have you ever seen a stray kitty and wondered about taking it home? Be careful, it might prefer the wild over your house..

Feral Cats are domestic cats that are free roaming and were born in the wild. Feral Cats colonies benefit our community by minimizing rodent problems. Also, individuals who cannot take on the full time commitment of adopting a cat can participate in programs to help feral cats. This provides an alternative to irresponsibly buying an animal that you aren’t ready to take care of.
Did you know there are people that help take care of these cats? Here are some ways that you can pitch in:
  • Set up a feeding station or shelter at a feral cat colony. They’re relatively easy to set up and inexpensive, but both have a great impact on helping those furry felines.
  • Help get these cats spayed and neutered. If left unaltered, these free roaming kitties will reproduce and add to the homeless cat population, but if we spay and neuter them, fewer unwanted and homeless cats will be taken to shelters and euthanized.
  • Donate. anything helps, make a donation to the Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Project

 Here in San Antonio, we have the San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition which recommends the trap-neuter-return approach. They suggest trapping a feral kitty, taking it to one of their spay/neuter clinics and then returning them to their colony. Usually at these clinics they will snip the corner of the cat’s ear so that in the future, you’ll know what cats have been spayed/neutered. The San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition offers 4 classes a month on how to trap cats safely, in depth instructions on the TNR method- how and why it works, and laws covering the care and feeding of outside cats. You’ll receive a handbook with written instructions along with community resources, spay/neuter clinic info, recovery protocols and more. If you attend one of their training classes, you’re eligible for free trap loans and low cost spay/ neuter services for life! Registration is not required.

For more information, you can visit their website at 

- Katie's Kibble for Thought

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Don't Let Fido Be A Hot Dog

It’s finally summertime and that means fun in the sun. Pets love running around and playing outside, but the heat may be doing more bad than good to your pet. Here’s the stuff you need to know....

First things first, always make sure you dog is hydrated. If you’re out on a run with your pup and you’re feeling thirsty, your pooch is probably craving some water too. Make sure that you have fresh water for your dog to drink. If you ever need to cool down your dog, pour some water on its neck, belly and paw pads; these are the best places to cool a dog down.

Living in Texas means a lot of heat during summer months and can cause problems for all types of dogs, but specifically long haired dogs. An old myth suggests that a long coat will keep dogs insulated and cool but this isn’t true. If you have a long haired pooch, consider trimming its coat during summer to prevent him or her from over heating. If you have a smushed-faced dog (ie. bulldogs) be careful! These dogs have soft tracheas and long soft palates, which decrease their ability to cool themselves.

Another thing to remember is to use caution when using muzzles--they eliminate the ability for a dog to pant which is a large part of a pooch’s ability to cool themselves down.

If you’re leaving your pup at home make sure they have shade, water, and preferably a small wading pool filled with cool water. Dog houses are good for shade, but are usually built to prevent air movement and can get very hot.

Lastly, if you ever see a dog left alone in a closed car, please call the police. They will help locate the owner. It may sound a little over the top, but if it’s 100 degrees outside, the inside temperature of the car can get to 140 degrees in just 15 minutes!

We all love summer time, including our pets, but just make sure that you’re being safe and staying cool.
-- Katie's Kibble for Thought

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Should I Feed My Cat Milk?

It’s okay to give my cat milk, right? Well….no, not really. Well, can I give my dog ice cream? No...that's not okay either.

From fruit to nuts, there are several foods we humans love to eat that can potentially be toxic to our pets. Sure you might slip your dog  a scrap or two from the dinner table, but it's important to know which foods should always be kept away from your pet and the dangers they can cause.

Milk and Other Dairy Products
It is actually not okay to give your cat or dog dairy products. Although kittens are able to tolerate milk, most adult cats are lactose intoerlant cannot process dairy food causing an upset stomach. And the same goes for dogs. You’ve probably seen a movie with a dog eating ice cream,  but milk and milk-based products can cause diarrhea and other digestive upset as well as food allergies (which often manifest as itchiness).

Onions, Garlic, Chives - Onion in all forms
All forms of the above—powdered, raw, cooked, or dehydrated— can break down a dog’s and cat’s red blood cells, which can lead to anemia. This also includes onion powder that's found in some baby foods. Symptoms of anemia include weakness, vomiting, little interest in food, dullness, and breathlessness.

Grapes and Raisins
Ever given your dog some fruit? Some are okay but grapes and raisins, even in small amounts, can cause kidney failure in dogs and cats. For cats, vomiting and hyperactivity are early signs while for dogs, vomiting is a first sign followed by lethargy and depression. Be sure to keep grapes and raisins out of your pet’s reach.

Caffeine is something most people have—or need—on a daily basis. But in large quantities, caffeine can be fatal for a cat or dog. Caffeine is found in tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, soda and energy drinks, many of which can be found in homes across America. Symptoms of caffeine poisoning include restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, muscle tremors, fits and bleeding so please be sure that your pet cannot get ahold of any.

Most people already know not to give a dog chocolate, but the same goes for cats, too; it can be fatal. The most dangerous include dark chocolate and unsweetened baking chocolate. Both contain the toxic agent, theobromine, which is found in all chocolate including white chocolate. If you pet eats chocolate, it can result in abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and death.

Candy and Gum
What we’re really talking about here is xylitol. It is used as a sweetener and can be found in candy, gum, toothpaste, baked goods, and some diet foods. When a dog or cat ingests xylitol, it can increase the insulin circulating in their body, which can lead to low blood sugar. Xylitol can also cause the liver to fail.  Symptoms include vomiting, lethargy, and loss of coordination; seizures can occur soon after ingesting the xylitol, and liver failure can occur within just a few days.

Raw Meat and Fish
Raw meat and raw fish can contain bacteria that cause food poisoning in cats and dogs. For cats, raw fish can have enzymes that destroy thiamine—an essential B vitamin for your cat. Cats can experience neurological problems that can to convulsions and coma. For dogs, certain types of fish, such as salmon and trout, can contain a parasite that causes "fish disease" or "salmon poisoning disease" which can be fatal within two weeks. Signs include vomiting, fever, and big lymph nodes.

Yeast Dough
Bread dough needs to rise and if eaten by your pet, it will swell up inside their stomach and stretch the abdomen causing severe pain. Also, when the yeast ferments the dough to make it rise, it will produce alcohol that can lead to alcohol poisoning.

Fat Trimmings and Bones
No doggie bag’s needed here. Table scraps often contain fat trimmed off of meat and bones, both of which can pose a danger to cats and dogs. Cooked and uncooked fat can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Bones can splinter and cause lacerations in your pet’s digestive system and can also cause choking.

We shouldn’t have to tell you this, but we will anyway—don’t give your pet alcohol! No form of alcohol nor any foods containing alcohol should ever be given to a cat or dog. Alcohol has the same effects on pets as it does on humans, but in far less amounts. Alcohol will cause vomiting, diarrhea, depression, problems with coordination, difficulty breathing, coma, and even death.

Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts and foods containg the nut can be fatal to dogs. As few as six raw or roasted macadamia nuts can cause poisoning including muscle tremors, weakness or paralysis of the hindquarters, vomiting, elevated body temperature, and rapid heart rate.

Persimmons, Peaches, and Plums
Seeds found in in persimmons can cause inflammation in dogs. Peach and plum pits also contain cyanide, which is poisonous to both humans and dogs.

We’re not saying your cat can never have tuna, but we are saying your cat shouldn’t have a steady diet of tuna which can lead to malnutrition. Too much tuna can also cause mercury poisoning.

Everything tastes better with avocado here in San Antonio, but not for dogs. Avocados contain a substance called persin and large amounts can be toxic to dogs. If you have some avocados growing in your yard, be sure to keep your dog away from the plants because persin is also in the leaves, seed, and bark.

Sugary Foods and Salt
Too much sugar is bad for just about everyone. For our pets, just like for humans, too much sugar (and too many treats) can lead to obesity, dental problems, and diabetes. Salty foods are also not good because too much salt can cause excessive thirst and urination and lead to sodium ion poisoning that may even cause death.

As pet parents, it’s important to the dangers that some foods can cause for our pets. We must also ensure that they get well-balanced meals to live a long and healthy life. Have your vet recommend a quality brand of food that will include all the nutrients they need. 

Pets, no matter how hard we try, will still manage to get into our pantrys or on the dinner table and eat things that aren't meant for them. Keep the number of your vet and the closest emergency clinic someone easy to find, like the refridgerator. Also, jot down the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center just in case: (888) 426-4435.


Friday, July 12, 2013

Summer Tips: Paw Pad Care

They’re the most commonly used image to depict man’s best friend—paw prints. We see them on bumper stickers, t-shirts, key chains and we instantly think of our four-legged friends.

But have you ever thought deeper into the purpose of a paw pad? If you haven’t, don’t fret. We will do all the explaining here.

Why do dogs have paw pads and what is their purpose?

Paw pads provide extra cushioning to help protect paws from whatever is underfoot, or rather, “underpaw.”  The pads absorb shock, provide traction, and give some insulation from extreme weather. Because of their pads, dogs are able to walk over rough surfaces us humans would find uncomfortable walking barefoot on.

But that doesn't mean that paw pads are armor as it may seem. In fact, there are several types of paw pad injuries including lacerations, punctures, abrasions and most commonly during extreme weather, burned paw pads on very hot days as well as irritation from ice and snow during winter time.

So how do you protect your dog’s paw pads, especially during these hot Texas days?

Avoid walking your dog during the heat of the day when pavement is the hottest. Instead, walk your dog early in the morning or later in the evening. A good rule of thumb to follow is this: If the pavement is too hot for you to walk barefoot on, then it’s too hot for your dog, too!

“But won’t my dog let me know if she is in pain?” many may ask. No, most likely she will not. Pet parents must acknowledge a dog’s urge to please; they will do almost anything just to be with their owner. So, no, dogs may not show any signs of pain or discomfort and will keep trotting alongside of you.

Signs of paw burns include blisters, loose flaps of skin and red or white patches and all are prone to infection. If you suspect your dog has a paw pad injury, please seek a veterinarian for assistance.

Also be conscious to your surroundings. When it is a beautiful day to take your dog for a walk, keep a close eye on the ground as foreign objects can become lodged in between a dog’s paws such as pebbles, glass, and other debris...ouch! Always be sure to check your dog’s paw pads after a walk or after yard play. 

For more tips on how to care for your dog’s paws, visit

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Pet Safety on Fourth of July

According to the American Humane Association, July 5 is the busiest day of the year for animal shelters because unlike most people, pets are terrified of firecrackers. And how could anyone blame them? Loud noises, weird smells, bright lights…

It is our job as pet-parents to ensure that Max and Mia are safe and comfortable this upcoming Independence Day, as well as the days leading up to the holiday. Pets don’t associate the noise and smell of fireworks with celebrations, so it’s better to have your pet indoors in a secure area when the festivities get going. The sound of fireworks can cause pets to act erratically, fearful, and go into a panic which can lead them to go to great lengths escape and run as far away as possible.

Since the Fourth of July is a holiday that will always include lively fireworks displays, we've gathered some helpful tips to keep your pet safe and at home, right where he/she belongs.

Never use fireworks around pets.
Not only can fireworks potentially result in severe burns or trauma for curious pets, many unused fireworks contain toxic substances that can be deadly to your pet. If you have fireworks, make sure they’re stored in a pet-free zone. Also, lighter fluid and matches are harmful to pets and should be stored in a pet-free zone.

Going to a firework show? Leave your pet at home.
Loud noises and strangers are a bad mix for scared pets. Leave your pet at home in a safe and secure area.

Create a safe heaven.
Leave the TV or radio on for them to mask the noise from fireworks. Give your pet that large treat you’ve been saving to keep them busy or stuff a Kong with peanut butter  Make sure they have plenty of water and ensure there is no way they can make an escape if they become terrified. Keep the curtains and windows closed at all times.

Have an up-to-date ID tag.
We all hope that our pets will never run away, but fireworks can cause a pet to behave erratically. Make sure your pet has a collar with an up-to-date ID tag. It’s one of the best ways to identify your pet and get them home safe and quick.

Tire them out.
Take them for a long jog during the day before the festivities begin so when nighttime rolls around, they will be too tired to act out. Play fetch or take them out for a swim!

Of course the best thing for your pet would be to have a human companion when the fireworks begin to go off, but this may not always be an option. Please be sure to do whatever you can do to make your pet feel safe and comfortable this upcoming holiday.


We hope you and your pet have a fun and safe Independence Day!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

¿Cómo dar a su perro un baño?

Qué perro no adora salir para una caminata ni correr, verificando los mensajes dejados por otros perros y fisgando los signos de otros animales que han estado en su comunidad. ¿Pero lo que sucede cuándo traen de ese caminata en casa? El barro, la basura, y las mofetas todo le pueden dejar oliendo menos que "fresco".

Cuando eso sucede, es tiempo para un baño. Al igual que con la mayoría de las cosas, hay una manera correcta y una manera equivocada. Puede pensar que lavando su perro es un no brainer, pero hay algunas artimañas de asegurarse de usted y su animal favorito tiene una experiencia agradable que se baña. Aquí están 7 pasos fáciles de ayudarlo a asegurarse de que se baña apropiadamente su perro. ¡La advertencia- mojará tan vestido por consiguiente!

1.) Consiga sus suministros: champú de perro, la toalla, el cepillo, peine y prepare su área de trabajo. ¿Dónde usted se baña dependerá del tamaño de su perro- adentro en el fregadero o regadera? ¿Afuera en el traspatio con una manga?

2.) Asegúrese de que su perro está en una correa y el peine por su piel, especialmente si es una casta de intelectual. Es mucho más fácil de peinar piel cuando es seco y usted conseguirá parte de la tierra fuera antes que el perro sea mojado.

3.) Prenda la manga pero no rocíe inmediatamente su perro. Usted no quiere hacerlo espantó de bañarse ni cada vez él le ve consiguiendo esos suministros, él ocultará en un rincón. Asegúrese de que la piel de su perro es mojada completamente antes de aplicar algún producto químico como champú. El perro de recuerda-su que piel es más sensible que lo nuestro, así que agua debe estar tibia, no demasiado caliente ni demasiado fría.

4.) Una vez que su perro es mojado, es frotado suavemente el champú de perro con movimientos circulares grandes, le dando un masaje grande de champú. ¡Adorará sus baños de allí en adelante! ¡No se olvide el vientre y la cola! ¡Mantenga el jabón fuera de sus ojos! Para lavar la cara de su perro, utilice una toallita húmeda, frotando suavemente la cara y bajo el mentón. ¡Con la toallita, la toallita suavemente alrededor de los de su-orejas ellos exteriores de parte es sensible!

5.) Lave todo el champú de su amigo peludo hasta que el agua corra claro. ¡No se olvide el vientre y la cola otra vez!

6.) Todos los bañistas del perro han recibido un "sacudida de regadera" a la vez u otro. Para minimizar el efecto, tome una toalla grande (o pequeño- dependiendo del tamaño de Fido) y da suavemente ese perrito un lija.

7.) Por último, agregue algún accesorio mono como clips o un pañuelo y saluda su cachorro limpio chirriante.

Asegúrese de bañarse su perro cada semana a una vez al mes (dependiendo de ello es la casta) Si su un animal favorito de interior y durmiendo en su cama, haired largo o tiene alergias, que querrá lavarlo más a menudo que shorthaired, fuera de perros. Sepa su casta- evita bañarse su perro con demasiada frecuencia. Usted no quiere pelarlo es piel de petróleos necesarios y naturales.

Recuerde, cuando su perro sea limpio, es sano. ¡Con piel limpia, su perro mirará y se sentirá gran tan mantiene su animal favorito limpio y feliz con arreglarse regular!

--Katie White