Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Pet Safety on Fourth of July

According to the American Humane Association, July 5 is the busiest day of the year for animal shelters because unlike most people, pets are terrified of firecrackers. And how could anyone blame them? Loud noises, weird smells, bright lights…

It is our job as pet-parents to ensure that Max and Mia are safe and comfortable this upcoming Independence Day, as well as the days leading up to the holiday. Pets don’t associate the noise and smell of fireworks with celebrations, so it’s better to have your pet indoors in a secure area when the festivities get going. The sound of fireworks can cause pets to act erratically, fearful, and go into a panic which can lead them to go to great lengths escape and run as far away as possible.

Since the Fourth of July is a holiday that will always include lively fireworks displays, we've gathered some helpful tips to keep your pet safe and at home, right where he/she belongs.

Never use fireworks around pets.
Not only can fireworks potentially result in severe burns or trauma for curious pets, many unused fireworks contain toxic substances that can be deadly to your pet. If you have fireworks, make sure they’re stored in a pet-free zone. Also, lighter fluid and matches are harmful to pets and should be stored in a pet-free zone.

Going to a firework show? Leave your pet at home.
Loud noises and strangers are a bad mix for scared pets. Leave your pet at home in a safe and secure area.

Create a safe heaven.
Leave the TV or radio on for them to mask the noise from fireworks. Give your pet that large treat you’ve been saving to keep them busy or stuff a Kong with peanut butter  Make sure they have plenty of water and ensure there is no way they can make an escape if they become terrified. Keep the curtains and windows closed at all times.

Have an up-to-date ID tag.
We all hope that our pets will never run away, but fireworks can cause a pet to behave erratically. Make sure your pet has a collar with an up-to-date ID tag. It’s one of the best ways to identify your pet and get them home safe and quick.

Tire them out.
Take them for a long jog during the day before the festivities begin so when nighttime rolls around, they will be too tired to act out. Play fetch or take them out for a swim!

Of course the best thing for your pet would be to have a human companion when the fireworks begin to go off, but this may not always be an option. Please be sure to do whatever you can do to make your pet feel safe and comfortable this upcoming holiday.


We hope you and your pet have a fun and safe Independence Day!

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