Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Keep Your Pet Safe from the Ghosts and Goblins this Halloween

We don’t want any “scaredy cats” this Halloween. The following are great tips to ensure your dog and cat are safe from all the witches, zombies and...candy!

There are few things better than seeing a pet dressed up in costume. We all love it, but your pet may not. If you do choose to dress Fido up this Halloween, make sure he is entirely comfortable in his getup. It’s important that the costume not hinder your pet’s movement, hearing, breathing, and barking/meowing. Your pet might be terrified from all the masked kids coming up to them, so the less stress the better.

Keep a close eye on your pet. We hate to think about this but Halloween is a time when animal cruelty is high, especially for black cats, due to superstitions and pranks. Let your pets indoors while trick-or-treaters are making their rounds. All cats should be kept indoors several days before and after Halloween. Please call 911 if you suspect animal cruelty.

Pets should not be given any tricks-or-treats. We all know this: chocolate can be deadly for our furry friends, especially dark or baking chocolate. Xylitol, a sweetener common in gum, can also pose dangers for dogs and cats. Of course your pet can partake in the festivities and have some doggy treats of their own, but be sure that they aren't getting ahold of any candies. For a list of foods that can be toxic for pets, read "Should I Feed My Cat Milk?". 

Always, always, always make sure your dog or cat has their collar with 
up-t0-date ID tags, even if they have a costume on.

If you’re going to be passing out candy, it’s best that you keep your pet confined to a quiet part of the house. This will prevent a terrified cat from darting out the door as well as a scared dog from possibly biting out of fear. Plus, trick-or-treaters may think it’s funny to scare your dog and cause him stress. If you decide to go out trick-or-treating, leave your dog indoors at home where you know she will be safe.

Decorations can also be a hazard. If you have a jack-o-lantern, keep it as far out of your pet’s reach as possible. Curious dogs and cats can easily knock over lit candles. Use caution with electrical wires and cords that cause burns or shock if chewed.

We hope you have a safe and frightfully delightful night!

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